Michael Woodhall

Michael Woodhall

Michael Woodhall MEB FRICS  has lived and worked in Hampshire since 1958.   A Chartered Surveyor by profession, he practised for many years as a partner of a leading firm based in Winchester, Romsey and Andover.

In 1993 he was elected as County Councillor for a large area of the Test Valley where he has been a resident of Houghton for over 45 years.  He became Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Deputy Leader and Chairman of the Authority.

He now spends his time devoted to the running of a number of Charitable Trusts and managing his property interests.  He has a passionate interest in building conservation and protecting Hampshire’s magnificent coastal and countryside assets.  He was awarded the British Empire Medal in the 2018 New Years’ Honours list  “for services to the community in Hampshire”.

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