
In the belief that archives are the bedrock of historical studies, HAT promotes, encourages, helps to finance and generally supports the preservation, conservation and organisation of materials of all kinds – documents, photographs, recordings, film and video and digital files.

HAT is committed to supporting the preservation and celebration of valuable local archives through our grants system, events and other related activities. 

Discover Local Archives

Hampshire has one of the richest collections of archives in the country. As well major collections – at Hampshire Record Office, Winchester, and the city archives of Southampton and Portsmouth –  there are also important archives held at the Universities and a wide range of smaller collections, associated with local history and heritage groups, museums and historic sites, companies, genealogists and other individuals, and families with significant archives. Some of these collections are of national importance.

Don Eades with the photographic negative collection (credit: David Jeffery)as a.1

your archive

Many people have photographs, documents and materials that have personal historical value but many do not realise that these items also have a wider historical value. We strongly believe that understanding your past is key to shaping a better future and we encourage everyone to care for their own archives and to share those with us and others – whether that’s through depositing their archive in the appropriate local repository, creating an accessible archive for others or simply by sharing their stories telling us of their experience in creating an archive. This website features stories written by various authors using their own research in local archives and which we think are particularly interesting. If you have an archive-related story that you think would be of wider interest then please do tell us about it and if suitable we will add it to the stories we have published on this site. 

Stories from the Archives

St Martin's Church South

Series 3: Episode 1 – Hampshire Archives Trust: Dr Gabrielle Storey

In this episode, Daniella is joined by Dr Gabrielle Storey, who is currently working as part of the Victoria County History (VCH) Hampshire team. Gabrielle is writing parish histories of Ellisfield and North Waltham and discusses her work for VCH, giving insights into the histories of these two places and the records available to carry out this research.

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