The Petersfield Museum
The Petersfield Museum is not just a museum for the town, but for a number of surrounding villages that have contributed to life in the locality
The Petersfield Museum is not just a museum for the town, but for a number of surrounding villages that have contributed to life in the locality
The townscape of Hampshire owes itself to three main factors – trade, which made Southampton; defence, which made Portsmouth, as well as Aldershot and Farnborough;
www.hias.org.uk email: info@hias.org.uk Secretary: 01962 855200 Despite its name, HIAS is concerned with both industrial archaeology and industrial history of mills, breweries, brickworks, transport, and the
The Hampshire Medieval Graffiti Project is organised by Historic Buildings section of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeology Society. It is one of a number
It goes without saying that the past is imperfectly recorded. With any particular project, no matter how many archives are explored, and newspapers and other
The Family and Community Historical Research Society (FACHRS) has its roots in an Open University course on family and community history and was founded in
In 1722 Richard Churcher made provision for a school to be established in Petersfield, to educate 12 boys from the age of 9-14 in maths,
Bedales School was founded by John Haden Badley in 1893 as a humane alternative to the authoritarian regimes typical of late-Victorian Public Schools. It name
Many archivists, archive conservators and records managers in the United Kingdom and Ireland belong to the Archives and Records Association. It mainly caters for professionals,
Charity Registration number 294312
Hampshire Archives Trust
c/o Hampshire Record Office
Sussex Street
S023 8TH
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