Category: Stories from the Archives

Bletchley Parks boffins during WWII, decoding messages from Flowerdown and other listening stations.
Stories from the Archives

A Partner of Bletchley Park

In 2024, the Flowerdown military base, Winchester, at present home to the Army Training Regiment, is scheduled to close after 110 years of military occupation.

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Peartree Church
Stories from the Archives

Peartree Church

A tiny scrap of paper in a filing cabinet in a church hall has solved a mystery that has long puzzled local people. Behind the

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Pettigrew Andover Union Workhouse
Stories from the Archives

Family History

A Lucky Strike in the Poor Law Records For a long time I have been researching my family history, doing my own Who Do You Think

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Blake Blue Tit Fuselage
Stories from the Archives

Blake Blue Tit

In Herefordshire, close to the Welsh border, an aeroplane is being restored that was first built and flown above the Hampshire countryside 90 years ago.

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Stories from the Archives

Hidden History

Sources, which are the bedrock of history, predominantly consist of documents, though film, sound recordings and increasingly digital files are also important. There are, however,

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Avenue 2020
Stories from the Archives

Avenue 2020

Building works often awake interest in the history of the place in question. The congregation of the St Andrew’s United Reformed Church in The Avenue,

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Raised in Winchester, fulfilled in Oxford, Annie Moberly (Principal and Fellows of St Hugh’s College, Oxford).
Stories from the Archives

Annie Moberley

Stern expressions, dark clothes, rectories the size of small palaces – these are all clues to what life was like for the middle class in

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