Featured Event
Saint Nicolas Church,
None known.
Cost (members): £15
Cost (non-members): £15
Wickham History Society have very kindly agreed to host a day in July to give us the opportunity to learn more about this attractive large village, a designated conservation area, its history and its parish Church of St Nicholas. Many of you will know Wickham with its square, independent shops, cafes, pubs and pretty walks along the river Meon, but this day is an ideal opportunity to find out how it became such a delightful mix of architectural styles, its origins from being at a crossing point on the Roman road from Chichester to Winchester and its subsequent importance to Hampshire history, and how it has developed to the modern-day. In the company of Geoff Phillpott and Jane Painter, from Wickham History Society, we will start our day at St Nicholas Church in its Church room at 10.00 a.m. with coffee, and a brief outline of the day. We will have a short talk about the history of Wickham lasting about 20 minutes and then a guided walk around the town. At approximately midday we will return to the Church room where you are welcome to eat your packed lunch, coffee/tea will again be available if you wish, or there are several cafes and pubs in Wickham if you prefer.
At 1.30p.m.there will be a talk about the history of St Nicholas Church, then a guided walk around the churchyard. At 3.00p.m. afternoon tea will be available and the opportunity to ask any questions.
There is plenty of free parking available at the Church and Wickham is well served by the no. 69 bus which runs between Fareham and Winchester, and the no 20 bus from Fareham Bus Station. The post code to the Church for sat nav’s is PO17 6HP. If anyone requires collecting from Fareham Railway Station, please let the Events committee know for lifts to be arranged.
The cost of this day will be £15.00 pp to include all refreshments with the exception of lunch. All the cost will be divided between the Wickham History Society and St. Nicholas Church.
How to book
Bookings can be made by e-mail to events@hampshirearchivestrust.co.uk or by post to:
HAT Events, c/o 236 Hunts Pond Road, Fareham, PO14 4PG. Tel: 01489 573056 – stating your method of payment: BACS – sort code 30-99-71, HAT account 00361865, giving your name and the name of the visit as a reference, OR by cheque payable to Hampshire Archives Trust to the above address.
The closing date for bookings is 1st July 2022.
Charity Registration number 294312
Hampshire Archives Trust
c/o Hampshire Record Office
Sussex Street
S023 8TH
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