A book of historic pictures for the Four Worthy villages

The intended front cover of The Four Worthys; pictures from the archive

Worthy Local History Group (WLHG) has been awarded a HAT grant of £2310 to publish a book drawing extensively from its photographic collection.

Book is now out 9 October 2023 and can be bought it from local outlets or Karen McCleery: wlhg.chair@gmail.com for £15

The Archive which has been developed over many years by WLHG is a superb historical document and the group would like to make much of its content accessible to the current inhabitants of the four Worthy Villages and wider afield. Currently the archive is stored on a hard drive and kept up to date by the group’s records officer. It is available to members who are undertaking private research projects and to provide information for people who are researching family background.

The book will feature selected pictures from the WLHG archives, and elsewhere, it will illustrate the history of Worthys with views of the villages, their people, buildings and a wide range of interesting events. There will be a total of about 300-400 pictures, chosen with the help of WLHG members, each with an informative caption.

For the first time, the book will provide a window into the huge numbers of documents and images collected for the WLHG archives over the past 40 years and now stored digitally.

The authors are Barry Shurlock, a well-known local historian and Tim Underwood, a designer who has an MA in Book Design from the University of Reading.

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