Local History Lives! Milford on Sea Historical Record Society project- progress update

local history lives!

Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society has opened the doors to its Research Library by placing 150 articles on-line.
Milford-on-Sea Historical Record Society [MOSHRS] has a groundbreaking project called “Local History Lives!” which will support the local history researcher with on-line search aids – a Research Library, a Names Directory and Parish Registers going back to 1594 – look here https://www.milfordhistory.org.uk/content/research-forum/reserach-library/introducing-our-research-library
In December 2022 they are launching their on-line Research Library with 150 research articles, each available in a word searchable pdf file with the text readily convertible into a speech file.
The articles provide important insights into Milford’s history and new leads for your local history research.
Find out about the connections between Milford and the Barings, the banking family. Explore the links
between Milford and the iron works at Sowley on the Beaulieu estate. You may wish to find out what really
happened in Milford during the Civil War.
The project has been made possible through grants from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Hampshire
Archives Trust, Hampshire County Council, Milford-on-Sea Parish Council as well as a contribution from
MOSHRS. It is also supported by volunteers from MOSHRS and Milton Heritage Society.
“Whether you come from an old village family, are new to the area or are viewing from afar, you will be able
to use the Research Library to investigate and learn something of Milford’s rich history.” Chris Hobby,
chairman of MOSHRS
“The Research Library will help us to gain a better understanding of those who lived in our area and enable
us to examine the social history in our villages.” Nick Saunders, chairman of Milton Heritage Society

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