Recent Grant Awards January 2020

Recent Grant Awards 2020
In January 2020, in its second round of grants awards for 2019-2020, HAT has decided to grant £9290 for six projects covering a range of interesting projects. Three main grants have been awarded: A grant of £2750 has gone to the Worthys Local History Group in support of their proposed publication ‘The Traditional Houses of the Worthy villages’ Research to date has effectively created a new archive.  Read more about it HERE. £3300 has been awarded to Hampshire Constabulary History Society to digitise fragile microfilm copies of constabulary staffing records. Read more about it HERE The Dever Society was granted £1880 for their project to celebrate the creation of the community at Micheldever Station. Since the award, the timing of the celebratory events has been postponed but will be rescheduled when the current coronavirus crisis has passed Read more about it HERE.
Three small grants were also awarded: £360 to 2timetheatre the performance of an archive-based play ‘Lewd Women and Female Felons’ in February 2020 This project has now been completed. Read the report of this successful  project HERE HAT also agreed to offer £500 in support for another performance based on family history archives titled ‘Kindred’ by Anna Carr. The majority of the required funding was awarded by the Arts Council Finally for this grants round HAT is awarding £500 to a project to review digital archives for the Worthy Local History Society, the consultancy advice will also be used by HAT and HRO together to produce generic digital guidance aimed at all local history societies.

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