Steep Social History Booklet

Steep History Group

Steep Local History Group has been awarded a small grant of £500 for the production and printing of a new local social history booklet on the people, families, and buildings of Steep (near Petersfield) in the past. Income from sales will be ploughed back into further publications. Work on content is well underway having started in January 2021 and it is intended to have booklets available for sale by December.

The Steep History Group started in 2013 by transcribing all the entries from the registers (1610 -2016) of the local parish church of All Saints’, into an Excel document. This has proved invaluable in research.

Two publications have so far been produced: ‘The Buildings, Gardens and Monuments of Steep’ 2018 and ‘The History of the Kneelers of Steep church’ 2019. These were funded by members of the History Group but finances are very limited. The Steep History publication seeks to further enhance knowledge of the history of the village of Steep in East Hampshire. It meets monthly for a presentation by a group member on an aspect of the history of the village. The Group has also become an important social group within the village.

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