How to make a local history film


The last online talk in the spring season 2021 of Hands-On Local History Series was given by TOM YOUNG on Tuesday June 29. He has a first-class honours degree in Film Studies and Film Production from the University of Winchester and now works as a freelance videographer and film-maker.

Tom tells you how to make a decent film using the basic equipment many people already have, and what is available when you are ready to move on to more sophisticated cameras, sound equipment and lighting.
Assuming absolutely no knowledge of the subject, he will show how to make a local history film, with tips on the appropriate equipment and the processes that will enable the creation of quality productions. His talk will be based partly on an online course he studied with the Open University and will be ideal for helping the complete beginner to get started. Here is the Fact Sheet associated with Tom’s talk and it’s full of useful resources.

His showreel can be found at:

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