Hampshire Field Club

Hampshire Field Club

The Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society was founded in 1885 to foster and promote the county’s heritage and history.  Although the society has changed a great deal over the decades, it continues to study and promote Hampshire through its four sections:  Archaeology, Historic Buildings, Landscape and Local History.

The Society organises conferences, seminars, talks and lectures throughout the year as well as trips and visits to embrace all these four aspects of the county and its surrounding area.  Two Newsletters per year are published for members, plus an annual journal, Hampshire Studies, and the occasional Monograph.  A second series of the Hampshire Papers is also available.  This series is a more in-depth report on a wide variety of subjects of local interest.  Full details of all our publications are on our website.

The Hampshire Field Club has close links with the County Council, Hampshire Archives and Local Studies (the Record Office) and draws on Universities throughout the UK for top-quality speakers and experts.

For further information about the Society and all its activities why not visit the website www.hantsfieldclub.org.uk and see why, if you have any historical or archaeological interest, you should join us.   If you don’t have access to a computer then call Julia Sandison on 01962 867490 and she’ll send you details.    We welcome all ages!


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