The Hampshire Mills Group is concerned with mills of all types, mainly watermills, windmills, tide mills but also other similar engines. It has many members who own mills.
With over 240 watermills and 100 windmill sites, Hampshire holds a wealth of history. Keeping records up to date is a continuous task. A millennium project produced a complete photographic record of all extant Hampshire mills, eleven of which are open to the public.
Some members are actively involved in the restoration work on mills and their machinery, sluices, waterwheels, turbines and watercourses. Examples include Hockley mill and Longbridge mill, which is in operation twelve times a year. Details are available on the website . When requested the HMG advises mill owners on repair and conservation and can lend a hand when needed.
Others research the various aspects of milling and mill history, and survey buildings. Very often, HMG can supply historical details and copies of old photographs and are frequently consulted about planning applications. It is closely involved with the Mills Archive Trust as well as the Hampshire Industrial Archaeology Society and the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Buildings .
HMG meets four times a year, when possible, in one of the county’s mills. A quarterly newsletter is circulated to all members, with an eclectic mix of news of its activities, articles on mills and milling, many from outside the county, reports on visits, and much more. Current and past issues are available on the website. It publishes the three-volume reference work, The Mills and Millers of Hampshire, which can be purchased online.
To join, contact the Membership Secretary, Ivor New, at: