Hampshire Archives Trust Annual General Meeting to be held 22 October 2022


The Annual General Meeting of the Hampshire Archives Trust will be held at Hampshire Record
Office on 22nd October 2022 at 2.00pm

A full set of papers can be seen on this website https://hampshirearchivestrust.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/AGM-papers-2.pdf

1. Welcome
2. Apologies for absence
3. Minutes of the meeting of 23 October 2021
4. Matters arising
5. Chairman’s Annual report and Annual Return, 2021-22.  The annual return
includes an account of activities and finances during the year.
6. Elections; Members are asked to agree appointment for 4 year terms as trustee, president
and vice presidents.
Any further nominations for any of the above roles, proposed and seconded and with the
consent of the person nominated, should be sent in writing to the Secretary by post or by e
7. Appointment of Independent Examiner: Martin & Co
8. Grants – the Trust has awarded a number of grants since the last AGM which are outlined
in this report
9. Any other business
10. Vote of thanks
Tea and an illustrated talk follow the business meeting
Sarah Lewin, Information and Archives Manager, will give an illustrated talk about the importance of HAT
funded projects at Hampshire Record Office: highlighting the entertaining, informative and sometimes just
plain unexpected stories that emerge

and the full annual return which includes all the financial papers is at https://hampshirearchivestrust.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/accounts-for-2020-1-complete.pdf 

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