Welcome to Hampshire Archives Trust

The Hampshire Archives Trust (HAT) is a member-led charity that works to support and promote Hampshire’s rich archival heritage.

We deliver this work by giving grants, through education and events, and developing local history networks – preserving memories for the future.

HAT works closely with and supports the Hampshire Record Office in Winchester, the Southampton Archives and the Portsmouth History Centre which between them hold archive collections dating back over 1000 years from across Hampshire.

You can help to save important local archives by applying to us for a grant to fund your project, becoming a HAT member or making a donation.

The Perfect Gift

Want to buy an exciting and thoughtful gift for someone? Why not buy them a Hampshire Archives Trust membership? It’s so easy.

= figures below relate to grants awarded since January 2019 to February 2024

Looking for Funding?

Grants Awarded

£ 64000

Projects Funded


Success Rate

40 %

Upcoming Events

Longford Castle

2024Aug28 Longford Castle, one of the grandest stately homes in Britain, has been the residence of three families in just over four centuries; the Gorges, the Coleraines, and for over three hundred years, the Bouveries, who continue to live there today. The Castle has an association with the National Gallery who are delighted to support the […]

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Our News

Grants - Access to archives
Sue Woolgar

The People’s Parks of Hampshire

Hampshire Gardens Trust have recently completed a long-running project to research and document the history and present state of urban parks in  Hampshire’s towns and

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hampshire archives trust gift membership

Gift Membership

Now you can buy a gift membership (1 year) for the person or group that you care about and who you know will enjoy being

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As Member you will be making a tangible contribution to the preservation of important local archives in Hampshire. In addition to this HAT Members are invited to exclusive Hampshire local history events and discounted rates to other HAT and HAT partner events.


Make a Financial Gift

By making a financial gift to the HAT you are directly funding the preservation of valuable local history archives for future generations. The HAT awards grants to local history projects which are judged to be of particular historical value in Hampshire. Whether you’d like to make a one-off donation, leave a legacy in your will or make a regular donation, it is very straight-forward. 

Stories from the Archives

St Martin's Church South

Series 3: Episode 1 – Hampshire Archives Trust: Dr Gabrielle Storey

In this episode, Daniella is joined by Dr Gabrielle Storey, who is currently working as part of the Victoria County History (VCH) Hampshire team. Gabrielle is writing parish histories of Ellisfield and North Waltham and discusses her work for VCH, giving insights into the histories of these two places and the records available to carry out this research.

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